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Open Research Symposium
Join us for a free half-day symposium dedicated to all things open: open data, open access, open methods, and open science!
Hear from researchers from across campus on their initiatives to integrate open into their practices.
1pm: Welcome and introduction
1:15pm Keynote: Creating an open access community: Launching the Seismica journal (Christie Rowe, Associate Professor, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Canada Research Chair in Earthquake Geology; Executive Editor, Seismica)
1:45-2:00 Break (coffee and tea will be served)
2:00-3:30 Lightning talks:
- The Challenge of Communicating Science (Joe Schwarcz)
- CONP Experiments: An open-source experiment-sharing platform (Katie Lavigne)
- Promising but mixed: How researchers envisaged the future of open access publishing in Canada (Philips Ayeni)
- Registered reports in practice (Jessica Flake)
- JTCAM: a new Diamond Open Access Journal in Mechanics (Mathias Legrand)
- Canada BioImaging Repository and Resource (CBI-R&R) for Microscopy Data (Lisa Lipowski, Alice Kang)
- Living Data Project: Rescuing ecological data from extinction (Samantha Straus)
- Building an Accessible Machine Learning Workflow for Geospatial Analysis (Nathalie Redick)
3:30-3:45 Closing remarks
Location: Rare Books and Special Collections, Colgate Room, 4th floor, McLennan Library Building, Humanities & Social Sciences Library
- Date:
- Tuesday, April 4, 2023
- Time:
- 1:00pm - 4:00pm
- Categories:
- Library event
Registration has closed.