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Tour the Rutherford Museum and McPherson Collection with Curator, Professor J. Barrette

McGill Physics Department houses two important science museums, the Rutherford Museum and the McPherson Collection. The Rutherford Museum contains a collection of the original apparatus used by Ernest Rutherford to investigate the newly-discovered phenomenon of radioactivity when he was Professor of Experimental Physics at McGill from 1898 till 1907. A striking feature for the visitors is that the apparatus used by Rutherford for his seminal discoveries are home-made and very simple in design and construction. This work led to the revolutionary theory of radioactive transformation for which Rutherford was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1908. A highlight of the visit is a recording of a seminar given by Rutherford in 1931.

The McPherson Collection is comprised of antique physical instruments and apparatus dating from the mid-19th century to about 1920, many of them used in teaching and scientific research at McGill. What is striking for the visitors is the beauty of many of these instruments and the craftsmanship with which they have been made. A good example of this is our collection of instruments build by the famous physicist and instrument maker Rudolph Koenig for the study of sound.

At the occasion of the Science Literacy Week we are providing a guided tour of both collections that are located in Room 110 of the Rutherford Physics Building. More information on the museums see http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/museum/.

Location: Rutherford Physics Building, Room 110

Related LibGuide: Science Literacy @ McGill by April Colosimo

Monday, September 18, 2023
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Science Literacy Week
Registration has closed.

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