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Sri Lanka medical manuscripts as sources for medical history and the revitalization of traditional knowledge

Sri Lanka medical manuscripts as sources for medical history and the revitalization of traditional knowledge

La version française suit

Join the McGill Library in welcoming Danister Perera for a talk on the Olas in the Osler and Blacker Wood Collections. Please note, this talk will take place in English. 

Online attendance is an option. All are welcome, RSVP below.

Olas à McGill avec Danister Perera

Joignez-vous au personnel de la Bibliothèque de McGill pour accueillir Danister Perera, qui donnera une conférence sur les Olas dans les collections Osler et Blacker Wood. Veuillez notez que cette conférence se déroulera en anglais. 
Il est possible d’assister à l’événement en ligne. Bienvenue à toutes et à tous; merci de répondre à l’invitation ci-dessous.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Osler Library
Rare Books and Special Collections
This is also an online (hybrid) event. Event URL will be sent via registration email. Note that to receive this Event URL, you must register using the “Online Registration” option below.
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

ROAAr Downtown Campus

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